

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to send my roster in and have it prepopulate the Airport pairs in Skychock?

Yes it is but you need to be registered on Jumpseater ( to do this. And NB. We don't enter all your flights, for the month, in advance - Why? Well what if your roster changes? We upload your flight/s at 23:10Z 2 calendar days before it occurs.

I am using another electronic logbook. Can I transfer my hours, etc to Skychock?

Of course you can. It may take us awhile but we can do it.

Do you keep a back up/ safe storage of my hours?

Yes - Your hours are stored in our databases on secure servers around the world.

Does Skychock offer a lifetime subscription?

No, we offer an annual subscription; £23 per year or £1.92 per month.

Does Skychock automatically log day / night hours?

Yes we do. And we reckon we’ll never be more than 10 minutes out from what you see in the cockpit. We even take an average altitude into account to make our calculations more accurate.

Is Skychock only a web based app, or can I download it from the App store and/or the Google Play Store?

Skychock is web based and has companion apps found on the App Store or Google Play Store. It can be used on Windows PCs, Android and Apple devices.

Am I limited to how many devices I can use Skychock on?

Not at all - Please use Skychock on as many devices as you wish.

What's so special about Skychock?

We log your hours for you under certain conditions. Try us out and we'll see if we can do this for you.